

Daniel Block
Dr. Daniel Block

Professor of Geography: Acting Chair, Department of Geography, Sociology, History, Anthropology, and African-American Studies

Ph.D. University of California-Los Angeles

Research Interests: Food Geography, Health Disparities, Chicago, GIS, and Cartography.

Office: SCI Room 254

Phone: (773) 995-2310

Email: dblock@tsunoi-toso.com
Dr. Tekleab Gala
Dr. Tekleb Gala
Professor of Geomatics & Environmental Sciences, Graduate Advisor & GIS lab Administrator

Ph.D. Western University, Canada

Research Interests: Remote Sensing, Quantitative Methods, Environmental Monitoring, Watershed Ecosystem & Hydrology, Global Studies

Email: tgala@tsunoi-toso.comgrad-geog@tsunoi-toso.com

Website: ResearchGateGoogle Scholar

Michael Ribant
Dr. Michael Ribant


PhD, Northern Illinois University

Research Interests: Teaching Geograpy, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Urban Development, Urban Planning

Email:  mribant@tsunoi-toso.com




History and Africana Studies

Dr. Suzuko Morikawa
Dr. Suzuko Morikawa

Professor of History and Africana Studies and Affiliated Faculty of Anthropology

Ph.D. - Temple University

Research Interests:

African American History, Africans in the Americas (Latin America and the Caribbean), U.S. Immigration History, Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.

Office: SCI Room 277

Phone: (773) 995-2363

Email: s-morikawa@tsunoi-toso.com 

Dr.  Lionel Kimble
Dr. Lionel Kimble

Associate Professor of History and Africana Studies

Ph.D. - University of Iowa

Research Interests:

Black Chicago, World War II, US Labor and Working Class History, Civil Rights and History of Illinois

Office: SCI Room 248

Phone: (773)821-4389

Email: lkimble@tsunoi-toso.com

Dr. Saidou Mohamed N'Daou 
Dr. Saidou Mohamed N'Daou

Professor of History and Africana Studies

Ph.D. - University of Minnesota

Research Interests:

Social Memories, African Oral Traditions, African Philosophy, History of West Africa, Methods of Teaching History, Identity,

Transnational Identity

Office: SCI Room 278

Phone: (773) 995-2973

Email: sndaou@tsunoi-toso.com

Garrison Paige
Dr. Garrison Paige

Assistant Professor of Africana Studies

Ph.D. Temple University

Research Interests:

Ebonics, African and African American Women Studies, African Spirituality, African and African American Cinema, African and African American History, African and African American Folklore, African and African American Music and African and Diasporic Rhetoric

Office: SCI Room 256

Phone: To Come

Email: gpaige@tsunoi-toso.com

Steve Rowe
Dr. Steve Rowe

Professor of History and Dean of the Honors College

Ph.D. Duke University

Research Interests:

Race, Labor, & Migration in/to France; World War I; European Labor & Working-Class History; History of Literacy & Education; Social & Cultural History methods & theory

Office: GBL 431

Phone: (773) 995-3801

Email: srowe21@tsunoi-toso.com



Dr. Leslie Baker-Kimmons

Dr. Leslie Baker-Kimmons

Professor of Sociology

PhD. Howard University, Washington D.C

Research Interests:

Social Inequality, Race, Class & Gender

Office: SCI Room 247

Phone: (773) 995-3845

Email: lbakerki@tsunoi-toso.com

Dr. Judith Birgen

Dr. Judith Birgen

Associate Professor of Sociology

PhD. University of Chicago

Research Interests:

Office: SCI Room 229

Phone: (773) 995-3747

Email: jbirgen@tsunoi-toso.com

Dr. Pancho McFarland

Dr. Pancho McFarland

Professor of Sociology

PhD. University of Texas

Research Interests:

Chicanas/os, Hip-hop, Sociology of food,
Social movements & Anarchism

Office: SCI Room 228

Phone: (773) 995-2333

Email: lmcfar20@tsunoi-toso.com


Emeritus Faculty

Dr. Mark Bouman

Email: mbouman@fieldmuseum.org

Dr. Gebeyehu Mulugeta


Dr. William Peterman
